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apartamenty w świnoujściu, widok z ulicy
apartamenty w świnoujściu, widok z zewnątrz
apartamenty w świnoujściu, widok na budynek

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A new building located in the seaside district that refers to the rest of the existing ones, handed over in the year 2008. In the building there are several dozen of apartments for rent. Regina Maris is also equipped with a lift and an underground car park. A few parking spaces are situated in the area of the property. The building is located in the Cieszkowskiego Street 6.


Recommended apartments

60 Regina Maris
Offer number:
  • Type of apartament: 02. Double Standard
  • Capacity: 2
  • Number of rooms: 1
56 Regina Maris
Offer number:
  • Type of apartament: 08. Quadriple Standard
  • Capacity: 4
  • Number of rooms: 2