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Apartment details

  • Offer number: 41 Regina Maris
  • Type of apartament: 08. Quadriple Standard
  • Number of rooms: 2
  • Maximum number of people: 4
  • Max capacity: 4
  • Endcleaning fee (per whole stay): 180,00 PLN
  • Floor: 2
  • Home of the world: NE
  • Surface: 41 m2


  • 1 bedroom

  • Double bed

  • Sofa (for 2 Persons)

  • Bathroom with shower

  • Tv

  • Wi-Fi

  • Table and chairs

  • Wardrobe

  • Kitchenette

  • Fridge

  • Ceramic hob

  • Coffee machine and electric kettle

  • Balcony

  • Terrace furniture

  • Beach screen

  • Breakfast*

Additional information

  • Price of a garage is 30 Zloty
  • Price of parking is 25 Zloty
  • Payment in Advance - 20%
  • Deposit - 400 Zloty
  • Prices of additional services
  • Office is open everyday 10:00 Am till 8:00 Pm
  • Linen and towels
  • Cleaning
  • Resort tax is 4 Zloty per Person


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Date of arrival

Date of departure